Urinary Tract Infection

UTI in a Paediatric Patient

Clinical History

A 14-year old boy presented with long-standing recurrent UTI symptoms with some fever.

Case Description

Ultrasound revealed a thick and irregular urinary bladder wall outline. There was some debris seen within the bladder lumen. The pre void bladder volume was 182 ml, while the post void bladder volume was 105 ml (incomplete bladder emptying). In addition, there was also an area of focal thickening seen in the left ureteric orifice measuring 16 mm x 11 mm (L x AP). Although the ureters were not obstructed as there was no hydroureter, and the bladder jets were within optimal limits. There was no hydronephrosis either, however, the left urothelium was mildly thickened as seen in the left renal pelvis.

Treatment/ Follow up

The patient was placed on antibiotics therapy which helped resolve the symptoms. The patient had ERCP, cytology, and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), which aided the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. A follow up whole body CT scan 3 months post treatment confirmed resolution of the pancreatic collection in keeping with chronic pancreatitis

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UTI in a Paediatric Patient

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