Cancer of the Fallopian Tube

Fallopian Tube Cancer

Clinical History

A 67-year old lady presented with severe lower abdominal pain with some change in bowel habit and loose stool.

Case Description

The patient was initially referred to have a CT scan of the whole body with contrast. This revealed a large predominantly cystic structure in the pelvis centrally. The mass was further investigated using a pelvic ultrasound (TA and TV). Ultrasound revealed a 13 cm mass with solid and cystic components in the central pelvis. The mass showed some evidence of internal vascularity within its solid component. There was also free fluid in the anterior and posterior cul-de-sac. Ultrasound features were suggestive of malignancy.

Treatment/ Follow up

The patient had laparotomy which revealed the mass to be a stage II HGS cancer of the fallopian tube.

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