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Please read this document carefully before submitting your interesting case to our platform.

Thank you for considering our platform to submit and showcase your interesting ultrasound case to a much wider community of ultrasound professionals across the globe.

For the purpose of this document, the term ‘authors’ will be used to describe the ultrasound professional submitting an interesting case to our platform.

Authors would need to be an ultrasound professional, i.e a trained ultrasound specialist who either uses ultrasound as their primary work tool clinically, or as part of their wider scope of practice. All cases must have been examined by the author or the author must have been directly involved in the ultrasound examination and aspect of the patient’s clinical diagnostic journey in your department or hospital.

The author must read, understand and fully comply with the information in this guide. As failure to comply can lead to a refusal on our part to publish your interesting case. We (sonohive.com) reserve the right to accept or decline to publish any case based on the professional opinion of our expert reviewers on the accuracy, validity, and relevance of the submitted case to our platform and the wider audience.

The author must follow the submission format and ensure that all images provided are actual ultrasound images (sonograms) in which they were acquired from the submitted examination. 

We hold our patient’s identity very dearly. Therefore, the author must ensure that all cases submitted are fully anonymised and no identifiable information is provided in any part of the submission including the sonograms, clinical information and the patient’s history.

We (sonohove.com) reserves the right to update this document at any point as we see fit based on the governing laws and requirements presented to us. We will announce any update via email to our subscribed users.

Authors are mandated NOT TO take cases, images, or clinical information from other platforms unless a written consent provided by the owner(s) of the case has been submitted to and approved by us.

The full name and institutional affiliation of the author would be published on the case page on our platform (sonohive.com) to give due credit to the submitting author. The submitting author must ensure that they have included all the contributing authors’ names as part of the submission and to ensure that they have been provided an express consent to do so.

Sonohive.com cannot verify an author’s professional qualification and our acceptance to publish an author’s case does not in any way validate the authors clinical expertise or professionalism. The only exemptions could be our verified sonohive reviewers and ultrasound experts whom we work with directly.

Sonohive.com does not sell ultrasound images or information, therefore, all the materials (sonograms and case information) provided are available for academic and learning purposes only.

Although the validity of the case and quality of the sonograms submitted by the authors would be reviewed by our experts, we (sonohive.com) cannot fully ascertain these.

Some cases on our platform were performed by our experts and the clinical information was confirmed. These cases would have a comment on it that it has been confirmed by sonohive’s expert. This does not prove superiority to the other cases provided by ultrasound professionals from all over the world, but it merely indicates that we (sonohive.com) are aware of the origin of the case and have taken extra steps to confirm the findings submitted.