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  • Sonohive


Duodenal Tumour:  An Obstructive Duodenal Tumour in a 76 Year Old Patient, Presenting as Epigastric Pain and Haematemesis

Clinical History A 76-year old man presented with epigastric pain and haematemesis discovered to be a duodenal tumour. Case Description The patient was referred to...

Pelvic Ultrasound: What to Expect at Your Next Appointment

Pelvic Ultrasound, what exactly is that? So, you’ve received an appointment for an ultrasound of your pelvis (US Pelvis) and aren’t sure what to expect....

Abdominal Ultrasound: What to Expect at Your Appointment

Abdominal Ultrasound is next on your list. So, you have received a letter providing you with an ultrasound appointment for a scan of your abdomen....