Polycystic Ovaries

Ultrasound Appearances of Polycystic Ovaries

Clinical History

A 34-year old lady with primary infertility was referred to have an ultrasound of the pelvis (TA and TV) to examine the ovaries. The clinician had suspected PCOS from the patient’s recent blood results.

Case Description

Ultrasound (TA and TV) revealed bulky ovaries; right measuring 15 ml and left 13 ml in volume. There were also multiple peripherally arranged follicles all less than 10 mm in diameter within both ovaries. These features are suggestive of polycystic ovarian morphology.

Treatment/ Follow up

Although ultrasound is not definitive in diagnosing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), hormonal analysis of the haematological samples are more accurate for this. However, some ultrasound features like bulky ovaries (> 10 ml volume), multiple peripherally arranged follicles less than 10 mm can raise sonographic suspicion of the disease.

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Ultrasound Appearances of Polycystic Ovaries

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