An Incidental Finding of an Asymptomatic Renal MassClinical HistoryA 48-year old man presented with left flank pain and overall discomfort. An ultrasound of the abdomen was requested to assess for left renal calculi that might explain the symptoms.Case DescriptionUltrasound revealed a 5 cm heterogeneous echogenic mass in the right kidney with some evidence of vascularity within it.Diagnosis/ Discussion/ Treatment/ Follow upA subsequent whole body CT scan confirmed the presence of the 5 cm mass arising from the midpole of the right kidney and showing heterogeneous contrast enhancement.The patient had a right nephrectomy. The histology analysis of the surgical samples confirmed the lesion to he renal cell carcinoma (RCC).SonogramsRight renal mass with callipersRight renal mass longitudinal viewCDI right renal mass with some internal vascularityNormal left kidneyCoronal CT showing the right renal massPublished on: November 25, 2024